Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Creating community

I would like to see more integration of people of all ages and abilities into family and community, and I see the selling of raffle tickets as a valuable part of that.
The people who are selling the tickets for their charity or community group are giving others the opportunity to learn about their charity and to support it if they want to.
Everybody is involved, and can choose what particular groups that they want to support, unlike when charities are government sponsored.

Friday, October 21, 2011

For those with limited mobiliy

You may be accustomed to being able to easily get out and about.
If you lose that ability, it is probably time to use some of the other abilities that you have to achieve what you want to do.
For example if you like supporting your favourite charity selling raffle tickets by visiting your friends, you may be able to call your friends on the phone instead. Sometimes a friend may come and visit you. Other times he or she and you may be able to support each other as you share together on the phone.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Two of the benefits of purchasing a raffle ticket

Your purchase of a raffle ticket is likely to give you at least two benefits.
Firstly of course there is the great feeling of knowing that you are supporting a worthwhile charity. Raffle ticket buyers provide millions of dollars of support for many charities every year.
Another benefit is that exciting feeling of imagining yourself having won the first prize or one of the other prizes, a feeling that you can either keep for yourself, or pass on to another person. Some peoples strategy is to purchase a ticket and to enjoy the exciting feeling until very close to the date when the raffle is to be drawn, and just before the draw date when the excitement and anticipation is at its peak, give the ticket to a friend.
While the chances may be that the excitement will fade to a deep feeling of satisfaction knowing that the charity has been financially supported by your actions, the ones who win still have the choice of keeping the prize or giving it away.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Frank Pullar

Frank, my father used to sell a lot of raffle tickets. Often with a smile on his face he would approach a person and ask "Are you feeling lucky today?"
If he got a yes answer, he would pull two raffle tickets out of his pocket, hand them towards the person and say the tickets are two for four dollars.
He sold a lot of tickets!